13 of us met at Chester Town Hall. A helpful passer by offered to take our group picture (I was just about to ask when he offered) - he took his time, and ended up right low on the floor (probably not my best angle!) so I will show both of them just because of the effort he went to!
It was a bit of an adventure - I plot my route at home on the computer; and then follow my little blue line on the GPS. I should really ride a route in advance but I'm afraid I do not have time for that. Hence two of the roads were labelled 'closed' on our way - one was not closed at all
but gave us a nice traffic free road from Pinsley Green to near Wrenbury station; the other was the final drop to Audlem on the A525. Imagine our glee when a motorbike (which had beeped at us as it passed) and a car had to reverse back out and turn around - we just dismounted to cross the bridge (as pedestrians!).
Lunch was pleasant (if not a little confusing - I had poppadum and naam bread with my Chilli con carne...?!) and as we finished Tony and friends headed off to get back earlier as he had a rehearsal at Theatr Clwyd.
Him "this isn't a cycleway you know"
Me "yes, but it is a lovely cut through and it is a right of way"
Him "But it is a private road"
Me "but it is a public right of way?"
Him "It is dangerous"
Me "Why?"
Him "because of farm traffic"
Me "oh well, thank you we will be careful"
Suffice to say we saw nothing and no-one else.
Then we met some geese in the lane, lovely to see but they had a good hiss at us!
By this time Dave also had to leave us to get to work, so he left us at Sound, and we continued to Ravensmoor; I then found a little lane Bob had not been down before. I was feeling weary so I ditched the route over Peckforton, as candle workshops would be closed by now anyway, and we headed round Beeston instead.