Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The start of it all

This is going to be a record of Chester CTC; Touring and leisure Cycling club based in Chester.  It is my experiences and thoughts, with some additional help from fellow riders; and mainly a place to share all the photos taken when riding.

Chester CTC was formed early in the 20th century, when cycling was in it's heyday - ? I think it is experiencing a significant revival again now; with British Cycling leading the way with racing and British winners of the Tour (de France) - due to start in Yorkshire next summer - and track etc.

CTC (Cyclists Touring Club) was formed in 1878, and so celebrated 135 years this year. You can read about the history here.
CTC is a national organisation, split into regions and then sub split into 'Member Groups'.  Our member group is Chester and North Wales, and we have an informative and useful website with group information, events and rides lists.

Chester CTC is a group within Chester and North Wales; we ride on Sundays through the year, take part in wider member group events, join with other clubs.  We also run ladies only Saturday morning rides (see the Chester Fabulous Ladies blog) and summer Wednesday evening rides.  Sunday rides, Wednesdays and other exploits I hope to try to record here.

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