Monday, 5 January 2015

The Shippons at Irby

The first ride of the year, and the weather again threatened ice.  It is hard to determine how bad it will be under wheel until you are out there, and then it may be too late.  Dave checked out the Greenway on his way to the Town Hall and all seemed well.

A good number gathered in the sunshine in Chester, and photo taken off we went.

It was the most beautiful weather despite a white covering - which was fast melting in the surprisingly warm winter sun.

We dropped to the canal and followed that to the Greenway, nice and easy going after the indulgences of Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Passing the change bridge near the Canal Basin

Heading along the canal

We picked up Nosheen along the route, and all carried on along the Greenway, to cross the Burton Marshes and Nets cafe for elevenses.
Burton Point

The first January ride is a gentle re-introduction, so the route continued in a straightforward manner along route 56 through Neston and eventually into Irby, up some hills, losing Val and Norm.  Dave went hunting,and I and a few headed to the pub (I was a bit short on time).

The Shippons, an old cattle shed made
into a restaurant and bar

All the tables were reserved, but the staff
were very helpful in finding the extra chairs
for our large group of 16

I had to get back to get my daughter to the train station, so a couple of us headed straight back down to Thurstaston to pick up the Wirral Way and head back the way we came.  It was a very cold and quite strong headwind, so was hard work but we made it back for 4:30, just as lights were needed - and after seeing a lovely sunset.

The rest of the gang wended their way back across the Wirral, but some also found it hard going so they missed the afternoon cafe stop, and finally got back to Chester for about 6pm.

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