Monday, 6 July 2015

The Red Lion Inn at Oswestry

Ray writes (on facebook) - "Dave's "Shropshire Circular": From a green racing pig to a 5 foot dragon it has to be said that Dave's ride had an animal theme. We were even given shelter by a Red Lion at Oswestry, where we escaped a drenching by a matter of minutes. Cheers Dave for an almost dry tour of the Shropshire countryside along quiet lanes."  

And some photos....Pictures by Ray, comments by Sue (guesswork!)

Graham and Dave, and a teapot.

Omry, and what looks like Stu taking something from a child..

Paul - nuff said...

Now this is a nice smiley picture of the gang

...and their rear ends...

Wonderful display of roses

Aforementioned wooden carving of Welsh Dragon...

Chester luncheon club on wheels strikes again...

Stu - penny for your thoughts....!

Stu said he would eat his hat - but not his gloves as well..?!

Through the arched window, looks
like someone has crossed Dave out!

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